


EMCO recognises that organisations can have a negative impact on the environment. We are therefore committed to making sustainability a core mission and strive to find ways in which we can reduce the impact of our work. It is our policy: 


  • To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations, codes of practice and any other requirements not codified by law to which we subscribe. 
  • To fully cooperate and maintain open and transparent relationships with all regulatory and government authorities. 
  • To integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions and continually improve the environmental sustainability of our operations by reducing the negative environmental impact of our business and enhancing positive impacts wherever reasonably practicable. 
  • To ensure all employees, persons and organisations working on our behalf are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it. 
  • To minimise the impact on sustainability of all our business operations and activities. 
  • To fully comply with the environmental and sustainability requirements of our clients. 
  • To measure and provide environmental progress and performance updates to employees, clients and other stakeholders. 
  • To make our clients and suppliers aware of our Sustainability Policy and, where practicable, encourage them to adopt sustainable management practices within their own organisations. 
  • To continually review our Sustainability Policy and strive to improve our sustainability performance. 


Environmental Protection

We are committed to improving our environmental performance and preventing pollution. We ensure a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and strive to minimise our potential impact on the environment. This commitment extends to the services and advice we provide to our clients. It is our policy: 


  • To operate in compliance with all applicable environmental legislation, approved codes of practice and any other requirements to which we subscribe. 
  • To integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision making and activities. 
  • To assess the environmental impact of all historicalcurrent and likely future operations. 
  • To assist our clients in using products and services in an environmentally sensitive way. 
  • To minimise our waste through the implementation of a waste management hierarchy and to recycle wherever possible. 
  • To, where practicable, provide services that do the least amount of damage to the environment. 
  • To minimise the use of resources within our buildings, processes and services in order to conserve supplies and minimise the consumption of natural resources. 
  • To build awareness, train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues.  
  • To communicate our Environmental Policy to clients, customers, stakeholders and the general public and encourage them to adopt environmentallyconscious practices. 
  • To continually review our Environmental Policy and strive to reduce our negative impact on the environment. 

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy encompasses the way we do business, how we treat our people and clients, and ensures all of our activities positively affect society as a whole. We aim to guarantee that both we and the companies we work with conduct operations ethically, considering human rights as well as the social, economic and environmental impacts of what we do as a business. We strive to meet, and aim to exceed, all applicable legislation and, in those cases where no legislation exists, we carry out best practices anyway. 

Looking after our employees

We will always conduct business with integrity and respect for human rights. We will promote the safety of our employees, ensuring to provide them with a safe working environment and to deal with them in a fair and professional manner at all times. At no time will we risk the health and safety of our employees, and we will maintain a responsible, people-driven culture through strong leadership, clear governance and effective communication with our employees regarding the expectations we have of them and their contribution to achieving our aims. 


In addition to continually assessing risks and promoting awareness, we will actively invest in the education and development of our employees so that we may always improve the way in which we operate. 

Looking after our suppliers

We will comply with all work legislation as well as other applicable international standards with a focus on ensuring the adoption of human rights principles established by the United Nations. We will support our suppliers in helping them to meet the internationally recognised standards we set for ourselves. If those standards cannot be met, we will source alternative suppliers to ensure all companies working with or on behalf of EMCO meet our standards. 

 We will consider social and environmental criteria when making purchasing and supply decisions to contribute to the creation of a socially responsible supply and value chain. We will maintain ongoing, open communications with our suppliers to generate open innovation, development and improvement. 

Looking after the community

We are committed to creating a positive impact in society and strive to improve people’s lives wherever possible. We support local communities because we understand vibrant communities are essential to our long-term success. 

 We encourage charitable and community support work among our employees and are committed to taking part in initiatives that will benefit the communities within which we work and live. 

Quality Management

Our business is based on collaboration with clients and value partners. We are committed to consistently providing services that meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers, delivering improved business outcomes and a tangible return on investment. We demonstrate our commitment to quality assurance by: 


  • Achieiving best practice throughout the business. 
  • Managing our business based on clear and measurable objectives and timelines. 
  • Pursuing continuous improvement by using our clients’ feeback to improve our processes. 
  • Ensuring client satisfaction. 
  • Ensuring our employees have the appropriate training, skills and experience to competently deliver services to our clients. 
  • Identifying and rectifying any shortfalls through continuous assessment and improvement. 
  • Communicating our Quality Policy to our employees, clients and suppliers and encouraging them to adopt best practice quality assurance measures. 
  • Providing effective leadership and support to every employee so that they have a proper understanding of the importance of our Quality Policy, their responsibility to contributing to its effectiveness and its direct relevance to the success of our business. 
  • Continually reviewing our Quality Management Policy and striving to improve our quality performance. 

How can we help you?

Would you like to speak to one of our facilities management consultants over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

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